October 4, 2024

Hiding slides

Hiding slides gives you full control over your presentation, allowing you to craft a narrative while keeping content that may be confidential or not meant for sharing at a specific time hidden, yet still accessible when needed.


[new-deck-popup] The space selector is now always visible in the new deck popup and includes private and team spaces

[shared-decks] Added error message for invalid/deleted shared deck urls


[figma-properties] Implemented text layer blur and drop shadow properties

[general] Implemented a message when the screen size is too small to display the content properly

[new-deck-popup] Added loading state to button when creating a new deck based on an existing template


[general] Fixed issue with cursor not being a pointer when hovering over a slide

[font-library] Fixed the issue where two popups were opened when no font had been uploaded before and a user was redirected to the library by clicking the "Missing Font" banner in a deck

[new-deck-popup] Template sync steps and errors are now reset after template sync is finished to prevent short visuals issues when syncing multiple templates after each other

[slide-edit] Fixed color menu for multicolor text

[slide-edit] Fixed issues with color overrides in combination with text gradients

[workspaces] Fixed renaming issue for team spaces

September 26, 2024

Media embeds

Seamlessly embed content such as prototypes or animations from Figma, LottiFiles, Spline and more into your presentations. Simply add html embeds in form of iframes. With this release we also introduce improvements to the overall media swapping experience, allowing direct upload of images and html embeds directly from within the editor.


[libraries] Add embed section to library and allow adding, updating and deleting of embeds

[sidebar] Display current plan in sidebar


[media-swap] Implement new design for image gallery in media swap sidebar to enable direct upload within the editor


[editor] Fix that in rare cases on some monitors/screen resolutions the slides are zoomed in

[image-library] Fix that deleting an image correctly deletes it's references in decks where the image was used

[workspaces] Fix "Updated X days ago" text gets bigger in deck hover preview when move deck popover is opened

September 20, 2024

Realtime collaboration

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to deliver a smooth and intuitive collaborative experience. You can now collaborate with your team in real-time. Our sync engine ensures that changes appear instantly as you type, making it easier than ever to create presentations together.


[slide-edit] Allow media swap for images starting with 'm' (optionally followed any number) in addition to 'media'

[template-sync] Update figma comments styles and remove non functional icon buttons


[editor-sidebar] Fix issue where in rare cases clicking on another slide won't change the slide

[editor] Fix missing font leading to deck not loading

[editor] Issues with multiplayer

[publish] Fix published decks which use the same slide multiple times not getting displayed correctly

[slide-edit] Allow interacting with images and titles laying behind groups and other non-clickable elements

[slide-edit] Fix issue that whole slide scrolls up while editing text and exceeding the character limit

[slides] Fix Figmas union type not getting displayed correctly

[slides] Fix issue with borders not visible in rare cases

[slides] Fix issues with vector strokes not being drawn correctly

[workspaces] Fix issue that deck permissions are not updated when moving it to a different space

September 16, 2024

Affiliate program

We implemented our affiliate program to offer fans and supporters of deckd the chance to earn 20% for each new user that signs up to one of our paid plans.
Find more information here.

Paid plans

We're introducing paid plans to deckd for users looking to unlock the full potential of deckd, alongside a collection of refinements. Enjoy uninterrupted access to all of deckd's pro features, allowing you to focus on crafting compelling presentations without limitations. Watermarks on shared decks are a thing of the past for trial, pro and enterprise users.

To our Beta users - don't worry! All features will remain free of charge during the beta.


[affiliate-program] Add correct url with affiliate tracking id (if it exists) to buttons which open the payment site

[editor-header] Auto-close "Publish deck" modal after successful publish

[editor] Add border to slide for better visibility with similar background colors

[plans] Remove watermark from shared decks for trial, pro and enterprise plans


[settings] Align the settings content to the left and increase the max width of the content

[general] Implement new loading spinner design


[comments] In the new comment popup show users figma image instead of the default sso image

[new-deck-popup] Fix broken styles for in new deck popup

[sidebar] Fix size and position of report bug and submit feedback popup

[slide-edit] Fix issue that pasted text is not getting saved

[slide-edit] Fix rotation property of Figma not getting displayed correctly

[slide-edit] Prevent strg/strg + i/u/b styling the text (Thanks Sebastian)

[template-library] Fix menu icon on hover being too large

[template-update] Fix before/after slide preview not showing correctly for some categories when not all tabs (updated,added,removed) are visible

September 12, 2024

Template updates

We're thrilled to announce a major update to deckd that will significantly improve your workflow and ensure presentations are always on-brand and up-to-date: seamless template updates.

Keeping your presentation templates consistent across your team is now easier than ever. With this update, any changes your design team makes to the master slides in Figma are seamlessly reflected in deckd through a new, intuitive template update flow.

As design changes in Figma are applied retroactively in deckd, this means no more manual adjustments, inconsistencies, or outdated presentations.

This works for all use cases:

  • Font changes
  • Colour adjustments
  • Layout changes
  • Adding or removing of slide elements
  • Adding or removing of entire slides

[template-library]: Displays the last update time and who updated each template.

[create-deck]: Added a workspace dropdown to the new deck popup.

[sync-template]: Introduced custom error messages for invalid Figma project URLs or unknown URLs, and automatically shows an explainer GIF for Figma.

[workspaces]: Added a skeleton loader for decks.

[workspaces]: Added a Netflix-style hover effect for deck previews.

[editor]: Media change v2 implemented, moving it from a popup to the right sidebar, with image preview on hover.


[fonts]: Enhanced custom font loading with the correct style and weight across all views.

[fonts]: Optimized skeleton loader behavior to improve the loading experience.

[comments]: Refined the comment cursor for a more intuitive user experience.


[editor]: The sidebar now appears at the correct time after the template sync process is completed.

[workspaces]: Resolved an issue where the deck hover preview wasn’t displaying correctly when there was only one row of decks.

[fonts]: Ensured custom fonts load with the correct style and weight.

August 13, 2024

deckd 1.0

We're happy to introduce deckd. deckd makes it easy to create professional presentations that are always on brand. Simply connect with Figma and streamline your entire presentation process.

With our novel approach we're aiming to streamline the entire presentation process while ensuring 100% design consistency. Simply said: be the glass of ice water for someone stuck in Powerpoint hell. Or Google Slides.

With deckd 1.0 being ready to see the world, we are starting to gradually roll out our limited beta. The aim of our beta program is to generate quality user feedback from individuals and teams that seek design excellence and consistency and struggle with todays existing solutions or workflows. You can sign up here.

As you would expect from a presentation tool, our first version of deckd covers all the essentials from editing to presenting slides. We kept our UX intuitive and distraction-free while offering novel solutions to existing problems.

Sync with Figma

Say Goodbye to manual transfers and design work in presentation tools.

You can simply sync Figma designs as presentation templates with deckd. All you need to do is copy the Figma page URL and paste it into deckd. deckd then imports slide designs and all their properties as a template. Your synced template is being saved and can be used from your whole team for various presentations.


The first presentation tool with built-in design control.

Yes, you can still create presentations by adding slides from your synced templates as you can do in any other presentation tool. You can also still change slide content by editing copy or swapping visual elements. Alone or in a team with our multiplayer editing capabilities.

What you cannot do is change layouts, font sizes or colours. deckd deliberately locks design elements to ensure your teams stay consistent and on brand. Every slide, Every time.


Cross-team collaboration can be a lengthy and misleading.

We bridge the gap between design and go-to-market teams with our 2-way sync of comments between Figma and deckd. Comment in deckd, get replies from Figma and vice versa.


Everything you would expect from a present functionality. Just a bit nicer. And with speaker notes that can be rearranged.


Say goodbye to outdated PDFs.

Keep your decks relevant, insightful and always accessible. Publish your decks for external links and share them with the right audiences. Republish changes to keep slides up-to-date.


deckd is a better way to build presentations

The presentation tool for customer-facing teams of strong brands. Sync designs from Figma and streamline your entire presentation workflow while ensuring 100% design consistency.

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